Our Infrastructure


The main campus of SKLGD Public School is spread over 1.6 acres in a lush green and pollution free campus at Laramda. The school strives to give its students the best of all facilities with naturally lit and well – ventilated Classroom plus all the modern amenities.

Our Teachers

At SKLGD Public School we value our most invaluable resources our teachers. They in turn not only transact the curriculum but also generate an enthusiasm for learning and questioning.

On going training and continuing professional development programmes ensure that SKLGD teachers remain at the forefront of educational thinking and practice.

Biology Lab

Microscopes: Our biology lab is equipped with high-quality microscopes, including compound microscopes for observing cellular structures.Microscopes enable students to study cells, tissues, and organisms at various levels of magnification.

Specimens and Models: We have a diverse collection of biological specimens, models, for study and observation. This includes plant and animal specimens, skeletons etc.

Dissection Equipment: For hands-on learning experiences, our biology lab is equipped with dissection kits and tools for conducting anatomical dissections. This allows students to explore the internal structures of organisms and gain insights into their anatomical features and functions.

Chemistry Lab

Laboratory Workstations: Our chemistry lab is equipped with dedicated workstations for conducting experiments and hands-on activities. Each workstation is equipped with essential tools, equipment, and materials necessary for conducting chemistry experiments.

Safety Equipment: Safety is a top priority in our chemistry lab, and we provide essential safety equipment such as safety goggles, lab coats, gloves, and fire extinguishers to ensure the well-being of students and teachers during experiments, especially those involving hazardous chemicals.

Chemicals and Reagents: We maintain a well-stocked inventory of chemicals, reagents, and laboratory consumables required for conducting experiments as per the curriculum. Proper storage, labeling, and handling procedures are followed to ensure safety and compliance with regulations.

Computer Lab

State-of-the-Art Computers: Our lab is equipped with high-performance 40 computers, ensuring that students have access to the latest technology to support their learning.

High-Speed Internet Access: We provide fast and reliable internet connectivity to enable students to conduct research, access online resources, and collaborate with peers.

Flexible Seating Arrangements: We offer a mix of individual workstations and collaborative work areas, allowing students to choose the setup that best suits their learning preferences and activities.

Physics Lab

Experimental Setup: Our physics lab is equipped with a variety of experimental setups and apparatus to demonstrate fundamental principles in physics. This includes equipment for experiments in mechanics, electricity, magnetism, optics, thermodynamics, and modern physics.

Measurement Instruments: We provide a range of measurement instruments such as rulers, Venire callipers, micrometers, balances, voltmeters, ammeters, and to enable accurate data collection and analysis during experiments.

Laboratory Supplies: Our physics lab is stocked with a variety of laboratory supplies and consumables, including wires, resistors, capacitors, magnets, lenses, mirrors, prisms, and optical components, to support experiments and investigations.

Science Lab

Laboratory Workstations: Our science lab is equipped with dedicated workstations for conducting experiments and hands-on activities. Each workstation is equipped with essential tools, equipment, and materials specific to different scientific disciplines.

Safety Equipment: We prioritize safety in our science lab and provide essential safety equipment such as lab coats/aprons, gloves, and fire extinguishers to ensure the well-being of students and teachers during experiments.

Specialized Equipment: Our lab is equipped with a variety of specialized equipments and instruments to support experiments across different branches of science, including physics, chemistry, biology, and environmental science.